How Do You Feed Yours?

“Your soul is the power and core of who you are. Feed it well.” ~ Anonymous

I love when I find a quote that resonates with me. I’m nerdy this way, but quotes inspire me. Even if it is only a few short words or a long monologue, perhaps, it is because words are powerful and they can bring us comfort, among other things. I guess that is why I love music so much too. In any given song, in any given verse, it is relatable — and motivating.

So, when I came across the quote above, it spoke to me. Pure and simple. “Your soul is the power and core of who you are. Feed it well.” Wow! I could relate to those words, and this thought, and it got me thinking about how I feed mine.

What steps do I take to feed my soul?
How do I nurture it?
Why do I care for it?

Then, I thought about how feeding my soul has changed over the years; which I suspect may be relative to where my mindset was during any given point in my life. In this respect, I continually find new ways to nurture my soul — to protect it, to embrace it, to share it. It is a part of me, after all.
I have closed chapters in my life and started new ones. In doing so, priorities and goals change. With the evolution of each day, ambitions can change, your perception can change, and YOU can change.

When my husband received a cancer diagnosis several years ago, it shook up our world. It could have destroyed it had we let it. However, in those moments of not knowing and feeling like life was a massive twister, we shifted. Indeed the universe was sending a significant interruption to normal, and we made the best of it.

During this time, it was vital for me to take care of my husband and to do whatever we needed to do to preserve some normalcy. It meant paying more attention to us (and making us the priority) and not forgetting to take care of me too; which, for anyone who has been in a similar situation, knows how critical this can be.

My point is that during this time why, how, and what I fed my soul was different than it was in my teens or early 20's.

There was also a period in my life when I was in such a deep, dark space that I chartered off course. There were compounding factors that contributed to this, and I understand those dots better now. I saw and felt ugly every time I looked in the mirror, and I knew that something was missing but identifying it was the problem.

My soul was suffering because I wasn’t sure how to take care of it, and it bled out into many areas of my life. Honestly, I didn’t think I was worth the return on investment even when others believed in me. It wasn’t like I didn’t have a loving and caring support system because I did. However, as I said, I was in a tough place.

I’ve made peace with those days, however. Now, when I reflect, I realize the significant impact not feeding my soul had on me — and those around me.

Fast forward to now, and life continues to shift. I’m in a healthy, happier, and more aware space. I am the same but different. A couple of years ago, I embarked on a new chapter in life. It was scary (at the time) but exciting, and each day, I continue to open my eyes, my mind, and my heart in ways I couldn’t before.

It’s been constant change — for both my husband and me. However, with all these changes came a new appreciation for feeding one’s soul, and I continue to learn how rewarding it is to find what makes your soul breathe.

My biggest revelation came after my mom passed away. I had never felt such a profound loss, and it crushed my heart and soul. However, something inside kept nudging me, and I realized it was my heart and soul coming back to life. It pointed me in a direction and opened up a part of me that continues to bring me joy and feed my soul.

If you had asked me ten years ago the why, what, and how I probably couldn’t have answered you. However, now, I can.

I feed my soul because I can.
I feed my soul because I want to and need to. It is a part of me, and I am a part of it.
I feed my soul with my husband and canine child, love, family, friends, writing, exercise, nature, laughter, meditation, music, work, and moments. Lots and lots of moments.

I didn’t realize that much of my soul-nurturing was in front of me and inside of me. However, when I was finally able to open my eyes, I just knew.

So, I share this with you. If it is already in front of you, then grab hold of it and give it 100%. If you love to dance, then do it. Who cares if someone sees you! Maybe they will join in. If not, it’s okay. Make it YOUR dance- exhilaration is good for the soul. If you like to sing, then sing.

I hope that you embrace whatever it is that makes your heart and soul happy. Run with it, share with it, and feed it daily. Please don’t wait for tomorrow because it is the power and core of who you are- and YOU are worth the investment.


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