Mitzi Bennett: Love

The wind was raising a ruckus outside, and Mitzi could see the leftover leaves swirling by as she stared out the living room window. She marveled at how, each Spring, they cleverly unburied themselves from winter's blanket. They jarred a memory in her of when Mitzi was a young teenager and used to wish upon the dancing leaves - putting her deepest desires out into the universe. 

But as Mitzi watched the leaves and gazed at the sky, she knew a storm was brewing. The clouds were the darkest grey she'd ever seen. They hovered overhead too thick to let any light shine through and ominous in their stance. 

Mitzi took a deep breath as she gazed out the window and hoped for the best. Although she loved a good storm, she didn't like the wind. Not this kind of wind anyway. It reminded her too much of when she was a kid, and the wind took out part of her treehouse and sent her Barbie jeep sailing through mid-air. She remembered watching it kerplunk onto the ground into pieces with only the front end left intact. Fortunately, it didn't derail her neighborhood meetups with the other kids for too long. She still drove it with pride, and their parades carried on - damaged jeep and all. 

Suddenly, Mitzi's thoughts were interrupted by a loud crack and boom that made her jump off the couch and out of her skin. 

"Holy shit! That was a close one," Mitzi exclaimed. Her heart was racing now, and so was Fritz's as he leaped onto her lap. He jumped so quickly she didn't even see him coming!  

Fritz was Mitzi's newest companion - a five-month-old terrier mix puppy with soulful eyes and a fondness for stealing socks and shoes. Mitzi laughed and cuddled him trying to calm him - and herself. 

"It's okay little guy. We've got this. The storm will pass. I promise you it will be okay." 

Mitzi's voice was soothing Fritz and Fritz's love for his mom comforting her. And as they settled in by the fireplace, the storm began to pass - and through the tiniest sliver in the clouds, she could feel the sun breakthrough.


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