Garnet & Jewel: Sling
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We stood at the edge of the riverbank, and with the bamboo no longer a hindrance to our view, we had a clear shot of the river. Although we loved it during the summertime, there was something far different about the river in the autumn. If there were still leaves on the trees and it was a sunny day, the reflection casting in the water was breathtaking. It could change your perspective, that was for sure.
Often, Jewel and I loved to pull our Adirondack chairs right to the edge of the bank and sit there. The mornings were our time to catch up before the rush of the day. So, I’d have my coffee and Jewel her latte.
However, this particular day, all was quiet. The chill in the air made us break out our wool sweaters and scarves, but we didn’t mind. Summer was kind to us, and we were ready for the change that Fall brought with it.
We believed that every time a leaf left the safety of its branch, it was a reminder that life could change in an instant. And that sometimes you need to let go. The latter being a lesson, we would both learn in different ways.
I remember Jewel sitting down and taking a long, deep breath. I didn’t feel like sitting yet and decided to maneuver my way down the rocky path.
I’ll be right back, I said to Jewel.
Sure you will, she said sarcastically. She knew me too well.
I made it down to the river, and I was always amazed at how wide open everything seemed this time of year. I remember the river being unusually low, so I was able to step out further onto the rocks. As I carefully edged my way out, I heard something behind me. Before I had a chance to turn around, I saw it fly past me. Just barely missing my head. A rock went soaring by like someone catapulted it out of a sling-shot.
What the hell? I said as I turned around to investigate. And that’s when I saw him.
Nate? When did you get back to town?
Hi Garnet, was all he said.